Improving diversity by developing Emotional Intelligence in female leaders 

In this article, we take a look at how Springboard Consultancy used Emotional Intelligence in a management development programme for senior women at the Home Office, resulting in improvements in the participants’ ability to recognise and manage their emotions and behaviours at work and better performance.

Springboard Consultancy were selected by the Home Office to design and deliver Development Plus - a personal and management development programme for senior women in the Home Office who had the potential to reach senior civil service grade within 5 years.

These women occupied high visibility posts such as prison governors, were involved in giving advice to ministers, and high level strategic planning and operations.

Problems identified with existing management development practices

Springboard Consultancy’s research indicated that a lot of the development focus at the Home Office was on tasks and processes, with much less attention given to behaviour and relationships.

A significant body of research has shown that for women, the subtle gender bias that persists in organisations and in society, disrupts the learning cycle at the heart of becoming a leader. This research also points to some steps that companies can take in order to rectify the situation. It’s not enough to identify and instil the “right” skills and competencies as if in a social vacuum. The context must support a woman’s motivation to lead and also increase the likelihood that others will recognize and encourage her efforts—even when she doesn’t look or behave like the current generation of senior executives.

Springboard addressed these issues by using Emotional Intelligence training to the management development programme to help improve performance through a focus on human relationships, confidence and powerful communications.

Why EBW Business Emotional Intelligence was chosen for this female leadership scheme

Springboard Consultancy chose EBW Business EQ Assessment and tools for this project for a number of reasons:

Business EQ assessment is a trait based psychometric assessment that accurately measures Business Emotional Intelligence

The Business EQ Assessment is a trait based psychometric assessment that accurately measures emotional intelligence in the workplace). It measures and raises awareness about the underlying emotional and behavioural traits that drive performance. It allows you to assess and increase the performance of leaders, teams and managers because it operates at a deeper level on the critical emotions that underpin behaviour.

Quick, easy & online assessment process

The options for easy and quick online assessments backed by remote (telephone) coaching was critical for the programme. The staff involved with the programme have high pressure jobs and are widely spread geographically within the UK. Using the online Business EQ Assessment provided the flexibility to offer the assessment at a time and place convenient and appropriate both to our participants and to the Consultants delivering the coaching.

High quality, detailed and accurate reports suitable for managers

The high quality and detailed report produced at the end of the assessment was important for working with this high level team. The reports were clear and easy to understand - and gave a professional impression of the assessment, as well as a permanent record of the process for staff and for their managers. Comparisons with a senior management norm group inside of these reports provided the credibility that the assessment would be completely relevant and aimed at the right level.

Plus the EBW Business EQ assessments have a tried and tested 10 step developmental framework (and tools) to help people manage the change they want. This focus on key emotions and behaviours at work makes it easier to measure the impact of boosting Emotional Intelligence to improve performance.

Supports diversity, equality and inclusion

Business EQ assessment has been underpinned by rigorous research into diversity, individual and group differences as well as being developed into numerous different languages, making it particularly suitable for international applications. It raises leaders awareness and understanding of their differences and how they can be more inclusive in the way they lead.

Improvements experienced by using Business EQ to develop female managers

An evaluation report produced by Springboard Consultancy showed that nearly 90% of participants reported that they understood and managed their emotions and key behaviours better at the end of the programme. This was an increase from less than 70% before the management development programme began.

When participants were asked about the specific benefits of the EBW, these ranged from giving them new information to think about, to making them feel good about themselves (improved confidence).

The Management Programme was also reported to have helped with improving relationships of the participants at work with staff and managers due to a better understanding of others’ motivations and behaviour and being able to deal with difficult conversations successfully.

Why use Business EQ in your organisation?

Business Emotional Intelligence can be used with great success for developing emerging and future leaders and managers in a variety of settings. Business Emotional Intelligence is particularly effective for use in situations where it is essential for individual’s to develop self-awareness skills, cultural and diversity awareness and their relational abilities to improve the performance of others.

Inspired to start using Business Emotional Intelligence in your business? Find out more about the Business EQ Assessment, Team Assessment, or our Leadership Development solutions.


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The EBW Global Team

We are the Business Emotional Intelligence experts. We help organisations get the best from people by using Business Emotional Intelligence (Business EQ) to improve lives by changing how leaders and teams work together. Our Business Emotional Intelligence assessments, tools and programmes enable you to get the best out of your people and make the best data-driven decisions where ever you or your candidates are in the world.


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